Blog roll
Stalin loves a rebase
June 8, 2023You can remove changes to a file from your PR!Snippet
Shamelessly stealing from a Stack Overflow answer in case it helps someone find it easier
July 15, 2022How MDX gets compiled to JSX
July 11, 2022Read the docs. Every last word.
March 28, 2022Is writing tests hard? Or does your code suck?
January 24, 2022The creative process as heroin
January 10, 2022Deleting merged branches in git
October 15, 2021Avoiding font piracy on a Netlify-deployed static site
September 27, 2021Notes on Database Normalization
Research notes I'm making with a view to understanding the concept of database normalization.
September 23, 2021How to conditionally add a property to an objectSnippet
I forget how to do this so often I just had to write it down
September 23, 2021Uploading files with React and Typescript
How to implement and style a file upload button using React and Typescript.
March 21, 2021Eating your greens - ordering arrays of stringsSnippet
How to sort an array of strings according to the order of another array of strings in JavaScript
March 10, 2021Mapping a list in React: altering the last elementSnippet
How to render different JSX for the last (or first) item in an array
March 10, 2021